EFI Commands

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info boot 	Boot from specified path
help <command>	Display help for specified command or menu
reset 	        Reset the server (to allow reconfiguration of complex
exit 	        Return to the main menu

Boot Commands

autoboot 	Display or set the auto start flag
bcfg 	        Search for boot devices
boottest 	Set/view BootTest bits.
dbprofile 	Display/modify direct boot profiles for use by lanboot'.
lanboot 	Boot over the LAN.
reconfigreset 	Reset the system (nPartition) for reconfiguration; the nPartition remains inactive, in the shutdown for reconfig state.
reset 	        Reset the system (nPartition).
search	        Connect drivers for bootables devices.

Configuration Commands

acpiconfig 	Set/view ACPI configuration mode.
cellconfig 	Deconfigure/reconfigure cells. (Set cell use-on-next-boot values.)
cpuconfig 	Deconfigure/reconfigure processors and processor cores..
date    	Display the current date or set the date of the system (nPartition).
dimmconfig 	Deconfigure/reconfigure memory (DIMMs).
err     	Display/change the error level.
errdump 	View/clear logs.
fru 	        View FRU data.
info 	        Display hardware information.
monarch 	Set/view a monarch processor.
palproc 	Make a PAL call.
romdrivers 	Enable/disable PCI expansion ROM drivers.
rootcell 	Set/view preferred root cells. (Set nPartition core cell choices.)
salproc 	Make a SAL call.
tftp 	        Performs TFTP operation to a bootp/DHCP enabled Unix boot server.
time 	        Display the current time or set the time of the system (nPartition). EFI time is set and presented in GMT (Greenwich mean time).
variable 	Save/restore specific EFI variables.
ver 	        Display the version information.

Filesystem Commands

baud    	View serial port com settings.
connect 	Bind a driver to a device.
dblk 	        Hex dump of BlkIo devices.
devices 	Display devices managed by EFI drivers.
devtree 	Display tree of devices.
dh 	        Dump handle info.
disconnect 	Disconnect driver(s) from device(s).
drivers 	Display list of drivers.
drvcfg         Invoke the Driver Config Protocol.
drvdiag 	Invoke the Driver Diagnostics Protocol.
guid 	        Dump known GUID IDs.
lanaddress 	Display MAC address.
load 	        Load EFI drivers.
map 	        Map shortname to device path.
openinfo 	Display the open protocols for given handle.
pci 	        Display PCI devices or PCI function configuration space.
reconnect 	Reconnect driver(s) from a device.
unload         Unload a protocol image.

Filesystem Commands

attrib  	Display/change the attributes of files/directories.
cd      	Update/view the current directory.
comp    	Compare the contents of two files.
cp      	Copy one or more files/directories to another location.
edit     	Edit an ASCII or UNICODE file in full screen.
eficompress 	Compress infile and write to outfile.
efidecompress 	Decompress infile and write to outfile.
hexedit 	Edit a file, block device, or memory region using hex.
ls 	        Display a list of files and subdirectories in a directory.
mkdir 	        Create one or more directories.
mount 	        Mount a filesystem on a block device.
rm 	        Delete one or more files/directories.
setsize 	Set the size of a file.
touch   	Update time of file/directory with current time.
type    	Display the contents of a file.
vol     	Display volume information of the file system.

Memory Commands

default 	Set the default NVRAM values.
dmem    	Dump memory or memory mapped IO.
dmpstore 	Display all EFI variables.
memmap  	Display the memory map.
mm      	Display/modify MEM/IO/PCI.
pdt     	View/clear nPartition or cell memory page deallocation table (PDT).  

Shell Navigation and Other Commands

alias   	Set/get alias settings.
cls     	Clear the standard output with an optional background color.
exit    	Exit EFI Shell environment.
getmtc  	Display current monotonic counter value.
help or ? 	Display help.
mode    	Display the mode of the console output device.
set     	Set/Get environment variable.
xchar    	Turn on/off extended character features.

Shell Script Commands | Programming Constructs

echo    	Echo message to stdout or toggle script echo.
else    	Script-only: Use with IF THEN.
endfor  	Script-only: Delimiter for FOR loop construct.
endif   	Script-only: Delimiter for IF THEN construct.
for     	Script-only: Loop construct.
goto    	Script-only: Jump to label location in script.
if      	Script-only: IF THEN construct.
input   	Take user input and place in EFI variable.
pause   	Script-only: Prompt to quit or continue.
stall   	Stall the processor for some microseconds.